April 23, 2023 – Third Sunday of Easter

Easter Season


Imagine someone you love is near death. Their only hope of survival is a risky brain surgery, one so complicated only one surgeon in the state will attempt it. The surgery is scheduled. But as that doctor drives to the hospital, he is killed in a car accident. Any hope you had for your loved oneā€™s salvation died along with that surgeon.

That is how Jesusā€™ disciples felt after his death. ā€œWe hoped that he was the one who was going to redeem Israel,ā€ they saidĀ (Luke 24:19). Their hope for a better life died along with Jesus. They had let their personal wants and expectations cloudĀ their view of Scripture which said that the Messiahā€™s death and resurrection were actually the source of all hope! So, theĀ living Lord appeared to his disciples. He explained. He opened their minds to the truth of Godā€™s Word. And in doing so, heĀ restored their hope.

There is little worse than a feeling of hopelessness. Christā€™s disciples have victory over that feeling. He died, but he is dead no longer. The one who can heal us and give us life to the full, lives! He lives to restore our hope.

All livestreams are recorded so that you can watch them at a later date.

You can also watch our livestream on our Facebook page.


Sunday Worship Service Folder” is available to open or download/print. Follow along with us as we worship our Lord.

Childrenā€™s ā€œMy Worship Notesā€ are included in another document. They can be used by children of any age to keep notes during the service.