July 24, 2022 – Pentecost

Seventh Sunday after Pentecost

Today’s Theme: A GOD-LIVED LIFE: A life of hospitality

This quarter, we look at the God-lived life as one that opens our lives to others. As we invite people into our lives and our homes, God gives us opportunities to share Jesus as we build relationships with them.

Our challenge card this quarter will focus on living a life of hospitality—opening our hearts and homes to others. How did Jesus show “radical” hospitality? Think of a time someone showed you radical hospitality. How did that make you feel? How can you reflect the love of Jesus by showing that level of hospitality to someone? How can you be different, like Jesus was different?

All livestreams are recorded so that you can watch them at a later date.

You can also watch our livestream on our Facebook page.


Sunday Worship Service Folder” is available to open or download/print. Follow along with us as we worship our Lord.

Children’s “My Worship Notes” are included in another document. They can be used by children of any age to keep notes during the service.